Topic > Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Sovereignty

American documents and treaties indicate the ideals on which this country was founded and how profoundly those ideals were expected to impact this nation's posterity. The Constitution of the United States is one of the most important documents in American history, as it forms the nexus between what this government should do, how it should preserve the ethical framework of that government, and how to maintain a just relationship between the different parties. of the government. Based on the history that led to our Constitution, where the break with an unjust monarchy led to a revolution and independent government, one can fully understand how and why it was the first of its kind and how this document served as a model for other nations to follow. Despite the rich history and praise of the United States Constitution, gaps exist that sometimes fail to adhere to paradigms that change over time. There is a glaring question as to whether or not the Constitution fully serves its citizens today, and whether American government could use another paradigm shift toward parliamentary government. Dylan Matthews, a writer for the Washington Post, published an article that juxtaposes the validity of the Constitution by its impacts on today's society (2/10/13). He juxtaposes historical culture with today's culture and argues that the Founding Fathers were wrong about all kinds of “stuff.”1 Matthews refers to the abolition of slavery to say, “Today, very few Americans think it is acceptable to kidnap African people, send them to America and then force them with torture and beatings to carry out agricultural work”2. Arguing that the vast differences between 18th century and contemporary society, Mathews introduces int...... middle of paper ...... financial flaws are plaguing the nation and without reform or amendment of the United States Constitution , we may be faced with more than just a shutdown. Works Cited1-2Matthews, D. (2013, October 2). The closure is the fault of the Constitution. Washington Post. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from, F. (2011, 11 August). Does America need a Prime Minister? Global public square RSS. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from, E. (2012, October 2). American or parliamentary system? One is almost traffic jam-proof and is not ours. MinnPost. Retrieved May 16, 2014, from - our