The first article Understanding the Pros and Cons of the Commons Core State Standards by Rick Cohen is more about opinion than anything else. It provides some explanations on what the Pros and Cons of the Commons Core State Standards are and which states are adopting them. In this article he expresses a lot of concern about all the changes the government has made to the Common Core Standards. The second article Why I Oppose the Common Core Standards: Ravitch was written by Valerie Strauss. Through this article Strauss explains in more detail why Ms. Ravitch is so against these changes. Explain that for many years, Ms. Ravitch never shared her views on common core standards, even though she was an active leader of a movement that opposed corporate-based reform. Although this is the third article she has written about the Common Core, it is in this one that she has given many reasons as to why she is so against them. In the article Understanding the Pros and Cons of Common Core State Standards the author begins by talking about what the Common Core is and that those responsible for creating the Common Core are the members of the Council of State School Chiefs along with the national government. This article written by Rick Cohen is trying to give the reader an idea of what is going on in these offices. Explain who is who and how important Mrs. Ravitch is. The author explains that the Common Cores are in a certain sense voluntary because the State is the only one that can choose to follow them or not. Mr. Cohen explains which states are adopting Common Core and which are not yet sure whether they will adopt them or not. An example is Tex's status... middle of paper... in the classroom and not what these people think the student should know. These standards should be the promise of what the school will provide for students—the opportunity and resources to learn reading and math, science, the arts, history, literature, civics, geography, physical education and that all such courses or materials will be taught by qualified teachers, in schools led by experienced and competent educators. Application I think this article made me think a lot about common core standards. It made me think that if this were to be implemented in the state of Texas, I would want to be well prepared. But since this common core may be how my students will be judged in the future, as a teacher I will do my best to help my class succeed.