Topic > Swimming in the rain in J.'s Homemade Love...

Oprah Winfrey hasn't always had it this easy. She grew up in Milwavkee, Wisconsin, and was repeatedly molested by her cousin, uncle, and family friend. She eventually ran away from home and had a baby at age 14 who died shortly after. Oprah's past didn't stop her from swimming in the rain. She excelled as an honors student in high school and won an oratory competition that gave her a full scholarship to college, from which she made it all the way to rain second "Renee Jacques 2013." Swimming to the Rain in Homemade Love by J. California Cooper is a story that tells how three sisters, Care, Angel and Better and their children tried to swim to the rain in different ways. This is a story set in 1960s New York. Swimming till it rains is the struggle that someone faces in life to succeed and this is carried out by every man on earth but in different ways. Trusting God, staying focused, and working hard "Jeffrey J. Mayer 2002" are three ways to swim through the rain without drowning. Trusting God is an important submarine...