Since risk factors and diseases can manifest themselves early in life, well-being promotion and disease prevention efforts are significant in delaying premature death, delaying premature death, improve quality of life and reduce the economic burden on the healthcare system (Slawson, et al. 2013). Regular health assessments are key elements of promoting well-being and preventing disease. When an individual has established a relationship with a primary care provider, that provider may seek changes through regular screening. When a person visits their doctor at least once a year, the individual can reduce the risks of a health problem becoming undetectable. According to data from the 2005-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 40 percent of people with diabetes were undiagnosed, and one in three Americans was at risk for diabetes due to impaired fasting blood sugar or food tolerance. glucose (Slawson, et al. 2013). ). According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, dietary interventions have shown promise for the primary prevention of certain types of diseases, such as diabetes and cancer (Slawson, et al. 2013). Physical activity also plays an important role in disease prevention. The prevalence of osteoporosis has been estimated at 8% among US women aged 20% and older (Slawson, et al. 2013). Fracture prevention has been found to be strongly related to calcium and vitamin D