“Merlin, Merlin, come and see,” exclaimed an excited Arthur. “I'm coming,” Merlin huffed as he walked up the steep hill overlooking the village. Merlin and Arthur were watching the glorious jousting that was taking place right below them. Arthur, being the curious young man that he was, wanted to see how the knights fought and Merlin reluctantly did so. “They have such advanced weapons; I wish I could hold such an expensive lance as a knight has!” A dark look passed over Arthur's face. “But alas, I will never be strong enough to joust, let alone fight in a tournament.” “I'm not so sure,” Merlin implied. “Magical things can happen to anyone.” A thought flashed through Merlin's head. “Boy, would you like to see even more advanced mechanical weapons?” While Arthur was thinking, Merlin was calmly reciting a spell: "Boom, boom, Dom, de Dom, let's show Arthur some fun with a gun!" Suddenly, Merlin and Arthur were standing in a crowded town hall, full of people of all ages, which was defiantly not the hill they were standing on. Then it was just Arthur. “Merlin, MERLIN, MERLIN...