For many years the cries of irate teachers have filled the boardrooms of education officials demanding that money be funneled into their respective departments. The reasoning behind most funding choices is that the classes that matter most to student development are the ones that receive the most money. Using this logic, core math, science, English and social studies classes, classes to promote physical well-being, and classes considered more academic are the ones that need the most money. However, classes that do not fall into these categories can be just as ideal for students' additional growth in school. A large and growing body of research indicates that comprehensive school-based music education, delivered by well-trained educators, can improve even the best and brightest students in incredibly positive ways. The Columbus, Georgia, Board of Education should allow more of its funding to go toward music lessons because music education helps students improve academic achievement, prepares them for the workplace challenges of 21 century and supports healthy social development. music education might say it is a distraction to other classes or just too difficult to understand (Pitts 2). Parents and teachers alike argue that classes like music, theater and other arts are detrimental to a student's learning experience in courses that are socially considered more worthy of a student's brain power. However, students do as much work in those classes as they would in an academic elective course, even less, if they don't have the materials to work outside of class. Art classes are often organized into groups (choir or band) or require expensive… halves of paper… specifically designed for memory,” but the parts that help students learn new languages (Shuler 9 ). students with a musical background have developed their natural abilities to learn and understand languages. However, language does not stop at actual speaking and grammar. Music students are more competent in communication in general and are more verbose and eloquent (Peterson 207). Pupils also learn the basic science of sound and pitch and the mathematical skills of reading graphs, fractions, and pattern recognition of the brain to make connections in other aspects of a student's studies. Overall, the effort that children put into music during their development greatly affects them for the rest of their educational careers and even in their professional careers...