The way they are treated has a huge impact on their mindset. They are also more likely to be psychologically affected when mistreated. The result of this is because they are still at the point where their brains are still grasping and gathering different information from different sources of all kinds. This is exactly why every parent is required to pay close attention to the way they treat their children. One of the main issues when it comes to children's psychological needs is sleep. The way parents put their children to sleep has the greatest effect on the mindset of the new generation. In some cultures, parents prefer to put their children to bed with them. Yet other cultures strongly disagree on this topic and prefer to let their children sleep alone. Although many researchers agree that babies should sleep alone. As Stanford University writer Shweder 1996 states: "Highly valued family members, such as children, are needy and fragile and should be encouraged to be alone at night so that they can learn to be self-sufficient and independent and to care for themselves ". for themselves." (Shweder 1996). On the other hand, few other cultures consider it child abuse. As Shweder 1996 says: “Many other cultures would consider it child abuse,” Shweder 1996. They also believe it affects their self-psychology in a negative way. where dysfunction unbalances their mentality. As an example Shweder uses an Indian tribe called The Oriya Hindus or Orissa in which he