Abstract. This article is about mobile agents, an emerging technology that makes distributed systems much easier to run, design, and support. The benefits of mobile agents are discussed in the paper and demonstrate the impact they have on the design of distributed systems. Mobile agents decrease network traffic, provide an effective means of overcoming network latency and, perhaps most importantly, through their potential to asynchronously and autonomously manage the process that created them, help build more tolerant structures resistant to failures and robust. Continue reading and we present the software agents, i.e. the mobile and fixed ones. Before concluding this article we provide a brief description of some existing mobile agent systems.1. IntroductionWhat a software agent is, what makes it and how it is different from a normal program has been the subject of extensive discussions for several years now. We therefore define agents as “programs that help people and act on their behalf”. Agents work by allowing people to give them work. Agents come in different types with many different settings. Agents are found in computer operating systems, networks, databases, and so on. Now the question arises: What properties do these agents share that make up the core of being an agent? Agents have the ability to interact with their execution environment and act on it asynchronously and autonomously. No one is required to provide information to the agent or consume any of its output. The agent simply acts continuously in pursuit of its goals. Unlike the software objects of object-oriented programming, agents are active entities that function according to the so-called Hollywood principle: "Do not cal...... middle of paper ......er Science Dart mouth College Hanover, NH 03755 {rgray,dfk,saurab,rus,gvc}@cs.dartmouth.edu.[6] A mobile agent architecture for heterogeneous devices Alf Inge Wang∗ Carl-Fredrik Sørensen†Eva Indal Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway.[7] Using Tcl mobile agents for monitoring distributed computations Dilyana Staneva, Emil Atanasov.[8] cker Chiueh: Paid: Intrusion detection based on program semantics http://www.ecsl.cs.sunysb.edu/paid/index.html (2003)[9] D. Hart, E. Kraemer and G.-C Roman Consistency considerations in the interactive management of computations. International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks, forthcoming, 1999.[10] exploratory visualization of distributed systems, Washington University in St. Louis 2000.