He later joined the cast of a Canadian television series called "Boogies Diner", but the show only aired for one season. After the series ended, James received a brief role as the original Griffin on Fox's "Party of Five" in 1994. It was in 1996 that James got his big break, cast as the lead role of Ricky, a teenage father, in short film - ABC series "Second Noah". Unfortunately, the series didn't last long, but it received enough public exposure to win the hearts of many. Not only was James growing with fame, but he was growing as a person. As he grew with fame, in 1998 he was cast in the teen thriller "Disturbing Behavior" alongside Nick Stahl and Katie Holmes. For James, 2000 was a big year, with him starring in two different films and getting married. On July 22, 2000, James married Lisa Linde, "Days of Our Lives" actress, and daughter of famous country music singer-songwriter, Dennis Linde. James and Lisa have two children, Jack Marsden, born February 1, 2001, and Mary Marsden, born August 10, 2005. Unfortunately James and Lisa are now divorced, but that doesn't change the fact that they have a history together. In 2000, James appeared in the film "Gossip", a sharp and twisted story, starring Kate Hudson,