Not only do they go into debt and spend beyond their limits, but they also forget to read the fine print. Most consumers borrow money from credit card companies but face no additional fees. Every late payment or transaction that goes against credit card company guidelines only adds more consequences. This leads borrowers to spend even more money on the items originally purchased. Especially if they already have problems paying their monthly bill, this only increases the amount they have to pay. Credit card companies intentionally target borrowers who are already struggling with debt because they know there is more money to be made from them than from customers who pay their monthly fees on time. The author, Patrick Maysun Jose, a reporter for The Post and Courier Newspaper, says, "critical of card issuers' high fees and aggressive marketing tactics, particularly toward financially naïve students and communities at low income, Levin says people are being lured by credit card offers, often targeting consumers already struggling with debt. “By not having adequate knowledge about credit cards and their policies, more and more people are suffering of debts that could have been