Topic > An Electric Man: Benjamin Franklin - 716

Benjamin Franklin is a vital man in our history. Benjamin was a politician, writer, inventor, scientist and much more. He came into the world on January 17, 1706. He had quite humble origins. His father was Josiah Franklin, a soap manufacturer, and his mother was Abiah Folger. Benjamin was the tenth child of seventeen children. Josiah sent Benjamin to clergy school, but he could only afford it for a year. Benjamin continued to apprentice to his brother James as a printer. Benjamin wanted to write for James's newspaper, but he knew James would never let him. To remedy this Benjamin wrote under the name Silence Dogood and slipped the letters under the door of James's printing shop. Benjamin eventually confessed to the writings and James was not very happy about it. Benjamin decided to leave in 1723 because he could no longer bear the harassment he received from James. Benjamin left for New York. He arrived there and began looking for work as a printer. Unfortunately he was unable to find available work as a printer. Benjamin then left for Philadelphia. He arrived in Philadelphia a strange sight, dirty with his clothes stuffed in his pockets. Benjamin found work as a printer and caught the attention of the governor of Pennsylvania who promised to start a business if Benjamin went to London for supplies. Benjamin went to London, but the governor of Pennsylvania kept his word and Benjamin was stuck in London for a few months. Benjamin returned to Philadelphia and some time later opened his own printing shop. This was just the beginning of Benjamin's long and successful life. Benjamin's writing was every bit as witty, charming, and charismatic as he was. His letters under the pseudonym Silence Dogood were the first test...... middle of paper ......or attended Benjamin's funeral. He did so many things for so many people through his writing, invention, and involvement in political issues. Benjamin was a loved and respected man and the fact that he is still loved and respected today says so much more about him than I could ever say in words. Works Cited “Benjamin Franklin.” PBS. PBS and Web. November 18, 2013. "Benjamin Franklin's Inventions, Discoveries, and Improvements." The Inventions of Benjamin Franklin., ndWeb. November 18, 2013. “Quick Biography of Benjamin Franklin.” Short biography of Benjamin Franklin. Np, nd Web. November 18, 2013. "Writings." Writings. Np, nd Web. November 20. 2013. .