Immigration and the English Only ActA. This great nation of the United States is made up of immigrants. But this proposal to make English the primary language has aroused enormous anti-immigration feelings and feelings. It is depriving the United States of many of the values that the nation represents. For example, in the 1800s and 1900s this law prohibited Native Americans from speaking their own language. The children of these families were separated from their homes and admitted to English schools, in order to ensure linguistic dominance. B. The main reason people immigrate to the United States is because it is a free country and it is a land of opportunity. The application of the language contradicts this feeling of freedom and opportunity. III. English acts and publishes only with the First Amendment, voting and educationA. Many English-language laws address only English, such as HR 123, HR 739, or the Language of Government Act of 1995, which requires the U.S. government to conduct official business only in English. A United States vs. National Treasury Employees Union citation in 1995 stated that “federal courts have held that laws that prevent the government from communicating with citizens on matters of public importance, either by prohibiting citizens from access to information or by prohibiting the communication in a language other than English, violate the First Amendment.” So such laws damage the fundamental foundations of all this