Topic > Exploring the economic impacts of military spending

Government failure in the news; give me a couple of examples. Please list the error, what are they trying to do to fix it and is it working? A government failure occurs when the government tries to help a failing market in the economy, but in turn creates further harm to the market. First, for the government to intervene, the market must fail and not produce positive outcomes for society. Two failures of the government are; Heparin contamination and sleeping air traffic controllers. The FDA is responsible for overseeing the quality and safety of the drug. They should have made sure that the drugs were safe to be placed on the market, especially the imported ones. A deadly bacteria has contaminated heparin and killed people. At this time, the heparin contamination incident is still under investigation, and Congress has been asked for documentation as to why it took the FDA so long to remove it from the market. Air traffic controllers have often been caught sleeping or making near-catastrophic errors due to overwork. The Federal Aviation Administration has failed to adequately maintain an important public job. The action taken meant that air traffic controllers could not be alone