Topic > More and more - 698

Money, money, money. We all want more money! This is precisely the way many Americans think today. We Americans are never satisfied with the bare necessities of life. While some people are satisfied with the simple things they have and need in life, most people always want more. In America, where our nickname might be the land of freedom and opportunity; it's hard to believe that so many people think what they have isn't enough. Oh look, you just got the latest iPhone or any new phone. It's the greatest thing ever. Hurry! They just came out with a better version, what do you do? If you're like many Americans, you say goodbye to that phone you bought not even six months ago. You might even be a more practical person who realizes that hey, I just got a new phone six months ago. There is nothing wrong with this phone. Why would I need the latest version? People should realize that they don't need all these material possessions to keep them happy. Do we, as Americans, really need to have all these material possessions to be happy? No, we don't. People who live in third world countries such as: Ethiopia, India, Uganda and the Philippines have next to nothing and are just as, if not happier, than the greedy people who live here in America. They are lucky if they can get what they need to survive on a daily basis. According to Thoreau all a person really needs to survive is; “Food, shelter, clothing and fuel.” (Thoreau). We know that we must also have water because it is a vital necessity for life. If all we need are these simple things, then why do we go out of our way to get those things that aren't important? Why do we waste time and money on useless things? If everything you need... middle of paper..., they lose their job or can't find it. Those who don't have extra money learn the value and importance of the things they can have. While those who don't know what it's like to strive for the goals of reaching the finish line only for things that they think will make them happy, only to use them a few times and then throw them away, because they can. Americans need to learn the importance of simplicity. We only need the little things in life to make us happy and after all money can't buy happiness, right? We are too attached to our material possessions and we simply need to stop and realize what we have right now. You are alive, you are healthy, you have an amazing, loving family, you have an education, maybe you have a home, you have working indoor plumbing, and many other things that some people take for granted. If we only learned to love the little simple things, life would be better!