Traditionally, a prophet gives a message from God to His people. Another way Daniel differs from being a typical Old Testament prophet is that he interprets God's messages, but sometimes he was not the original recipient of the message. A vision, a dream or a miraculous event occurs and Daniel is called to give an interpretation of what God's message is in this event. Since Daniel was like John in the book of Revelation with his writing style, he is very similar to Joseph in the book of Genesis with his prophetic style. Another difficulty for the Jewish scriptures is that these Gentile pagan leaders were the ones to whom God originally imparted His visions. In some circumstances, Daniel was called to miraculously recount the details of the vision before giving his God-given interpretation of it. It is no wonder that even if Daniel had been available for inclusion in the prophetic section, a convinced Israelite would not have located in this area. His prophecies and writings focus on the Gentiles. He uses an apocalyptic literary style and beyond that his messages are not always delivered to him by God in a normal prophetic style. In chapter seven, Daniel dreams of four beasts. The first is similar to a winged lion, the second is similar to a bear with three ribs in its mouth, the third is a leopard with four heads and four wings, and the last is the worst of all and destroys the first three. It has ten horns and a small eleventh horn rises up and tears off three horns. This little horn had eyes and a mouth. The vision is interpreted for Daniel. The four beasts are four kingdoms. The fourth kingdom will be greater than all previous kingdoms and its ten horns will represent the ten kings of that kingdom. The eleventh king will subdue three of the... half of the card... which the part that would be the silver chest and arms will crush the previous kingdoms just as iron crushes in real life. The kingdom will retain some of its strength, but as it moves to its feet, it is now a divided kingdom. Just as it retains some of its strength, the clay shows that it has acquired some weakness. The mixed iron and clay show the inner mix of these peoples. The final image of the dream is the stone becoming a mountain and swallowing the whole world. This is not only the fifth but also the last kingdom created by God that will never be conquered by another kingdom. He will also put an end to all other kingdoms. Daniel concludes his interpretation and memory of the dream by saying: “the great God has made known to the king what will happen in the future; therefore the dream is true and its interpretation worthy of belief" (Daniel 2:45).