Disability Coverage: Many Options; By choosing disability insurance you can replace some or all of your accident insurance or almost all of your income if you get sick or have an accident that prevents you from working. Although it seems simple, there are many types of disability insurance. Some of these are available to all of us: Social Security - If you are unable to work because you are short due to accident or illness, you can access the short allowance payment from Social Security. These payments are usually not very large and do not make up most of your lost income.* Fact: Pay scales are low. In some cases you are given 60% of the pay scale and if you complement injury, only during the first 20 days you will be given up to 75% of the scale. From day 21, everyone charges 60% of the rate, which in any case equates to 60% of your income. Collective accident insurance. If you suffer from serious injuries or illnesses and your employer will have an agreed policy in your sector, you will be able to benefit from the compensation corresponding to your agreement. However, the benefits of the agreement vary from...