MediascapeMediascape, which refers to digital methods of production and dissemination, brings revolution to the visual world. In recent decades, print media has become the mainstream media, such as newspapers, magazines and billboards, which attract readers through visual impact. While it lacks interaction with readers and has been gradually replaced by Internet media. The website enables interaction not only between media operators, but also between users, through online chatting, browsing, entertainment, shopping and even business. This web design draft is used as the official website for the company "Anivia" which publishes video games. By looking at the website, users can easily find the information they are looking for and by using creative infographics the website combines the most important information into a visual effect that is easy for the user to understand or perhaps intrigues users to give a look. in-depth look at It. Also, there is a forum page in this website which makes the website multimedia. User can't get the new release information only from the official page...