Researchers from the University of Southampton propose that clay-based gels could provide the right environment that would stimulate stem cells to regenerate lost tissues such as cornea, bone, skin, heart, spinal cord, liver and pancreas. The clay particles attract molecules to bond together. Scientists suggest it will be possible to use the encouragement of clays to induce stem cells to grow new tissue. The researchers' first approach is to regenerate bone lost due to cancer or failed hip replacement. If researchers are successful, stem cells could be taken to a completely different level. Stem cells could be applied to burn victims or people with diabetes or Parkinson's disease. The clay particles are what may be needed to stimulate the process at a particular point of the lesion. There are two main challenges regarding basic stem cell therapies. The first big challenge is to keep the stem cells in the right position. The researchers propose that clay particles gelled in water could be injected into the body and held at the exact site of the injury eliminating the need for surgery. The clay particles also interact with the polymers used in the scaffolds on which the stem cells grow. The researchers hope this will improve the strength of the scaffold to preserve support at the injury site until regeneration is complete. Clay's ability to overcome these problems is enormous (Life Science Weekly). Also