Thyroid CancerBy: Neha MansoorThyroidWhat is it?It is a large gland without ducts that secretes hormones that regulate growth and development through the rate of metabolism. It is shaped like a butterfly and is located in the front of the neck, under the larynx and above the central trachea. What is thyroid cancer? The gland produces nodules that can reach the size of a tennis ball or 1-1.5 cm larger. compared to actual size. It is when the cells of the thyroid gland begin to grow abnormally and do not stop. It can happen to anyone at any age, although it mostly affects women. 14 out of 100,000 people are diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Symptoms - Lumps or nodules in front of the neck (single/multiple) - Swollen lymph nodes in the neck - Problems swallowing - Hoarseness or changes in the voice - Pain or discomfort in the neck - Chronic cough Diagnosis Physical exam : Your doctor finds abnormalities in the gland, such as lumps. Also check for growth or swelling of nearby lymph nodes. Blood test: Your doctor may check for abnormal levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in your blood. if the level is too high or too low it means that the thyroid is not working properly. If your doctor thinks you have medullary thyroid cancer, you will be checked for high calcitonin levels and given other blood tests. Ultrasound: Sound waves create a pattern of echoes as they bounce off organs inside the neck. The echoes create an image of the thyroid and nearby tissues. The image may show thyroid nodules that are too small to palpate. The doctor uses the image to know the size and shape of each lump and whether the nodules are solid or filled with fluid. Fluid-filled nodules are usually not tumors. Nodules that... half of the document>.Lilley, Linda L. "What You Need To Know About Thyroid Cancer." The American Journal of Nursing 93.12 (1993): 46-50. Network. 19 May 2014. "Radioactive iodine". WebMD. WebMD. Network. 18 May 2014. "Staging and prognosis". : Thyroid cancer. Network. May 17, 2014. “Thyroid Cancer: Facts on Staging, Treatments, and Prognosis.” MedicineNet. Network. May 16, 2014. “Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) suppression therapy.” WebMD. WebMD. Network. 18 May 2014. .Works Cited