Topic > The underrepresentation of women in academia…

The literature review for this study examines several pieces of research critical to understanding the context, nature, and scope of the problem of underrepresentation of women in academic leadership in the United States. Gender inequality still exists in leadership positions in US academia; “Women are still struggling to fill leadership positions, despite recent progress in the United States in eliminating discrimination in the workplace” (Lapovsky & Slaner, 2009). The review also draws on literature that assesses the root causes of the underrepresentation of women leaders in the United States, regarding discrimination in the workplace, social roles, etc. Some noteworthy topics have emerged from this review that involve an in-depth analysis of the various factors that influence the underrepresentation of women as leaders in U.S. academia. As a result, research has shown that the number of female presidents has not changed over the past 10 years (Lapovsky & Slaner, 2009). Keywords: women and leadership, academic leaders, US academia, leadership characteristics. Are women underrepresented in leadership roles in the United States? The US academic world? A Review of the Literature A report written by the American Association of University Professors, states that as women pursue advancement in academic leadership, the smaller the percentage of women in higher leadership roles become. For example, the representation of women in leadership roles is as follows: 50% of women are faculty and instructors, 46% are represented in assistant professor positions, 38% and 23% are college presidents (ACE, 2007). More... half of the article... rative literature review: guidelines and examples. Human Resource Development Review, 4(3), 356-367. doi: 10.1177/1534484305278283 Kiamba, J. M. (2008). Women's activism for gender equality in Africa, women and leadership positions. Social and cultural barriersDue Billing, Y., & Alvesson, M. (1989). Four ways of looking at women and leadership. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 5(1), 63-80. doi.10.1300/J111v32n03_08Fernandez, J. Race, (1998). Gender and Rhetoric: The True State of Race and Gender Relations in Corporate America. New York: McGraw Hill. Recruitment, retention, and professional development of female faculty, a report of the Subcommittee on Academic Affairs of the Dean's Committee on the Status of Women. Informally published manuscript, John Hopkins University, Maryland, USA. Retrieved from