This may involve a preliminary test to examine users' current literacy ability to determine which word healthcare professionals should select when designing the message. Messages designed for parents should differ from those designed for school-age children. Individuals' health literacy also focused on the functional level, such as the ability to read doctor's instructions (William el al. 1995). However, the ability to read is not always comparable to the ability to listen, write, or write (Schonlau et al. 2011). When the health message is complex, health professionals should not assume that individuals can understand it only by testing their reading skills. In fact, they should consider the general level of consumer literacy. Conclusion The goal of improving health literacy is to empower individuals and communities to ensure they feel comfortable and confident in making effective decisions by obtaining and understanding relevant information. Strategies applied in addressing health literacy should reflect respect, cultural safety, community or individual needs, and literacy level. Health professionals should facilitate and build capacity in promoting health literacy to enable target groups to have greater control over their health