From our class discussions, however, I discovered that I was not the only one who grew up with the same worries. During the lesson, watching the videos and completing the reading, it was the first time I covered such material, demonstrating that I understood my problems. Understanding the differences is very important for social work because for me and similar friends we joined positive organizations. However, I could have easily joined a local gang in search of a sense of belonging. In our communities, we must help people determine who they are before others place them in a group that will have negative consequences for their future. My thought is that the more I learn about the new and diverse groups that are emerging, the better I will be able to help members of that group identify with and understand their group, so that I can allow them to put that identity aside for a bit'. moment so that during our time together we can focus on who they are as a person and where they would like to go as a person. Because after knowing who they are and what they want, they can focus on how themselves, their dreams and their talents best fit into the group they feel they have.