Technology has had a major influence on marketing communications in recent years. SMS technology and the Internet have changed media consumption and communication among many people. The Internet is acquiring more and more sources of information ( Webb, 2004, P.14 - 15 ). The term "communications market" has become a kind of fashion, because it is better to reflect the nature of promotion. Communication with the target market is not just advertising, but the creation of "live broadcasts" wins the public's attention. This means a strategic and carefully planned layout of marketing information. All promotional activities should make joint efforts to exchange information together. The integration of the promotional mix provides a clear message to the target audience (Webb, 2004, P.14 - 15). As a commuter newspaper, MX is much thinner than other newspapers. Most of the article's central theme, including US celebrity gossip, new product line, disputed event, rumors, celebrity trivia and reader complaints, including a compelling story. General images often appear without any related story, just a title describing their content; In contrast, news is rarely accompanied by images. Small, large and entire advertising pages contribute significantly to the overall thesis