Topic > Introverted analysis of introverts - 1381

10). I have learned that I am conscientious and decisive, calm and collected. When there is a conflict in the workplace, I gather all the facts and convince all sides of the story to come to a better decision. However; I like to do homework in a way that is comfortable for me and not always convenient. I had to give my commander my suggestion on a new weekend duty schedule. I have approximately 250 employees working for me and making a hasty decision would cause many of my Airmen to needlessly alter their home lives. I had to create a program that allowed for 24 hour coverage, 365 days a year. With my section leaders we created a program in one week that has been very effective and is being used. I'm not a very outspoken person, but I care deeply about what I do, whether it's being a parent, a husband, or whatever I'm entrusted or tasked with doing. I've found that when I conscientiously focus on being candid, it feels forced and can seem insincere to others. I interact with my Airmen every day and have found that people want to be treated with dignity and respect. Taking the time to listen to a person's concerns can build trust and