Market Research Implementation Plan Disney resorts currently exist in numerous locations around the world. In an effort to expand into South America, Disney must determine how potential customers, as well as locals in the Rio de Janeiro resort, would feel about the new resort. Disney must use market research to make this decision, and below are the four types of research methods that Disney could use. Determining the research tools is an important step for the company because they are the ones that will be used to collect and analyze data to determine market needs. The objective is to examine the applicability of four different research tools such as surveys, questionnaires, focus groups and in-depth interviews. The analysis will allow Disney to determine the most applicable research tool to obtain data used to make important decisions. There is also a compare and contrast section that discusses the pros and cons of each tool, as well as an analysis of which tool would be most effective for Disney. Finally, there is a definition of secondary market research as well as a description of how Disney will use secondary market research to determine how the resort would perform in such a location. Types of Research Methods Disney will use several primary research methods to determine if a new Disney resort would be a good fit in Rio de Janeiro. The first research method will be the use of surveys. These surveys will be twofold, as Disney needs to find out about current Disney visitors and locals in Rio de Janeiro. Surveys can help Disney get a sense of how receptive these two groups are to having a new Disney headquarters. The questionnaires will allow Disney to determine not only what customers think about… middle of paper… Sney can use secondary market research to complete the research process. The definition of secondary market research shows how such research can effectively complement primary market research. Disney will use secondary research such as a census of languages in Rio de Janeiro, to see if Disney can benefit Rio's local economy, as well as a study of popular languages in the area, to determine if bilingual staff is needed. The tools selected will help Disney Brazil become another successful Disney resort. Works CitedBurns, A.C., Bush, R.F. (2006). Market Research: Online Research Applications (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.IBGE (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved May 14, 2012, from (2012). Languages of Brazil. Retrieved May 14, 2012, from