Topic > Anorexia Presentation - 1034

Slide 1• Anorexia largely stems from the sufferer's perception that they will not be happy until they have lost weight. It is a condition in which individuals feel that their worth is measured by their appearance. o This means that overcoming anorexia comes from understanding that weight loss is not the key to success, self-confidence and happiness o It's about discovering who you are beyond your body image, eating habits and weight. Slide 2• Exact treatments may vary from patient to patient to patient o Generally the treatment process will follow this structure1. Ask your loved ones or professional for help2. Find a specialist3. Addressing health problems o Some individuals may be chronically malnourished and weigh less than 15% of their normal body weight and therefore may require hospitalization4. Long-Term Treatment Plan o Long-term treatment plans are necessary because eating disorders are not just about symptoms and destructive eating habits o At the heart of the disorder are emotional problems and the struggle to deal with stress, anxiety, fear, sadness and other unpleasant emotions .Slide 3• There are several treatment options, including o Cognitive behavioral therapy o Family therapy o Group therapy o Medication o Residential treatment facilities o Self-helpSlide 4• But regardless of the treatment option you choose, it is also important that : o A good support system is established during treatment and maintained after treatment. o Education on nutrition and healthy weight management is conducted to ensure that individuals adopt healthy eating practices following treatment. o These measures are important as individuals can easily slip or fall back into bad habits. Slide 4 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy • Most common treatment procedure for anorexia • It has a high success rate as it targets unhealthy eating behaviors, negative thoughts and underlying triggers. o Understanding the triggers of unhealthy eating can help patients deal with these triggers in different ways. o They also help patients understand how food is used to overcome emotions. Slide 5• Cognitive behavioral therapy may find that o Negative self-image is created by specific traumatic events or memories within the individual's childhood developmental stages During these childhood stages and during treatment i parents may inadvertently play a role in promoting the individual's negative self-image. Cognitive behavioral therapy may be important in this case as it can uncover family pressures to be thin, can educate the family and help the family ensure patient compliance with treatment measuresSlide 6• In summary, cognitive behavioral therapy helps people become aware of emotional problems and how to combat them. o They help bring about changes through specific behavioral interventions such as promoting healthy eating through setting goals and rewards.