Maniac Magee, by Jerry Spinelli is the story of an ordinary boy who becomes a legend. His name is Jeffrey Lionel Magee who everyone calls "Maniac Magee". At the beginning of the story Jeffrey is a normal boy living a normal life with normal parents. When he turns three, a terrible accident occurs that changes Jeffrey's life forever. One day his parents leave him with a babysitter and die in a tragic tram accident. Jeffrey becomes an orphan and is sent to live with his Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan who hate each other and refuse to even talk to each other” but they don't get divorced because they are Catholic. His aunt and uncles' house was a loveless place and to Jeffrey it didn't feel like a place he could call home. The climax of the book occurs during the spring musical at Jeffrey's school, when Jeffrey is eleven years old. He's finally had enough of his aunt and uncle's fighting and Jeffrey starts screaming! "Then the giggling stopped, and the eyes began to shift and the heads began to turn, now everyone could see that this was not part of the show at all, that little Jeffrey Magee should not have been...