Walt Disney created a television series called “Duck Tales”. The series is based on the character Scrooge McDuck and the Uncle Scrooge comics created by author Carl Barks. The series features Scrooge, his great-grandsons, some appearances by Donald Duck, and several new characters made specifically for the show. (wiki source) Analyzing the Duck Tales series there are many elements of capitalist ideology. The representation of these concepts was disguised and hidden in the pleasant and popular form of television narrative offered by the mass media. Can Walt Disney spread subliminal messages? What are the ways they do this? Finally, what are the negative effects of a mass media that promotes capitalist thinking? To begin this analysis, a quote from Media and Society, a novel created by Michael O'Shaugnessy and Jane Stadler that aimed to define the concept of media. In the novel, both authors break down the media into various categories and personify the medium with specific characteristics. The media is a human communication system. The media generally aims to reach a large audience or be used by many people and for this reason they are referred to as “mass media” which operate through mass production leading to mass communication. They continue to say that because of this large-scale communication, the media derives its success from popularity. (p.4) If popularity is a key characteristic of a medium's influence, then Walt Disney, a world-renowned industrial media company, has the popularity advantage to support its vast media output intended to reach its audience global. What determines the function of the media? Well, according to O'Shaugnessy and Stadler the media has many determining factors, the top five are these facts... half of the document... Kunzle's skeptical attitude towards American political innocence. Walt Disney, however, planted a seed of ideology that still manifests itself in various media forms today. After reading this article, the intent was to encourage and persuade the reader to identify with the dangers of complicity with the media, particularly in harmless forms of children's entertainment. As mentioned earlier, popularized mass media will communicate messages to a mass audience. Hopefully, the question of media gatekeepers and managers, guided by the skepticism of theorists such as David Kunzle Louis Althusser, has given you enough knowledge to see how easy it is to convey a message especially in the context of Disney products. Promote not only capitalism as the initial thesis states, but also the power that the media has to rewrite, destroy and manipulate the history of humanity.