Topic > Article by Richard Posner: The truth about the Electoral College...

Posner, a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, promotes the Electoral College despite its flaws. He argued that the College provided a clear winner, while a straight vote would result in a very close and repeat election, which could lead to time-consuming recounts. Posner also stressed that the electoral college encourages “trans-regional” candidates. He says that because no region has enough voters on its own to elect a president, candidates must appeal to areas across the nation. Posner argues that this is good because a regional president would likely alienate many voters who did not vote for him because they might think that president would not protect their interests. Additionally, he argued that the Electoral College's creation of swing states is an advantage. According to Posner, these states have more educated and thoughtful voters because they have been at the center of election campaigns. This means that the decisive voters would be the most prepared. Finally, Posner argued that the Electoral College balances states well. He argues that small states get more voters per capita to help counter the fact that candidates always campaign in large states, hoping to score large numbers of points in a shorter period.