Topic > Reaction paper on an article about auctioneers, liars and…

Being a feminist, I will focus my reaction paper on Auctioneers, liars and manipulators: the perspective of probation officers girls by Gaarder, Rodriguez , and Zatz. As I read this article, I often found myself thinking, “if only they had better options” not just for women, but for all minors in the system – despite gender, race, class, etc. What distresses me most is the views of probation officers towards young female offenders - often referring to them as promiscuous, manipulative, liars, sluts, etc. This amount of sexism (i.e., the belief that one gender is superior to another) in our juvenile court not only makes these young women feel inferior (disempowering them), but also makes it incredibly difficult for them to receive appropriate treatment. Instead of labeling these young juvenile delinquents, we should look more closely at their stories, take their stories at face value, and give them the support they need. The stories told by probation officers really made me shudder, assuming that female offenders "run the system" and that they "groan" when ...