Ancient texts, such as Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", can be connected to the modern world. In this story there are prisoners who can see nothing but the shadows that appear before them. One is set free, turns around and can see what creates the shadows and learn that there are things that create the shadows and the shadows are just projections of those objects. The prisoner explores the outside, sees the sun, still sees the shadows but they are much lighter than before. His eyes are stung by the brilliance of the light, but he continues towards enlightenment. He goes to tell the prisoners who are still in the cave and they refuse to believe what he tells and prefer to live in their ignorance. This story is about learning and enlightenment. Still relevant today, humans continue to innovate and discover more and more about the world. There are enormous efforts ahead and after all these years, there are still important concepts that remain largely unknown, such as string theory and its connection to dark matter. Humans have come so far, from when they believed that the Earth was at the center of the universe, to now knowing that there is a black hole at the center and that the Earth orbits the sun. If no one in this world thought critically about questions about things that are believed to be fully understood, they would not exist