Topic > The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Role in Nursing...

Nurses would perform according to their training, access direct reimbursement for their services, so more people could access care. The change would see more nurses take on leadership roles and participate in decision-making. Being at the center of the practice, the nurse would be best positioned to effectively identify and implement innovations in patient-centered care. Once implemented, nurse residency programs would have access to funding to take advantage of the transition from training to practice. Effects on nursing education include a growth in the number of senior cadres of nurses with leadership and community health skills and knowledge. Institutions with more highly trained nurses had a lower mortality rate (AACN, 2014). The growth in the number of nurses would have a positive impact on the nursing shortage, thus leading to improved care outcomes (AACN, 2014). The training institute requires doctoral level nurses, so the initiative to double the existing number will help the institute adequately prepare for the growing number of students (IOM,