Since the dawn of time, beauty or what it should or shouldn't be has been influenced by civilization. “Beauty” represented what is or is not acceptable. No matter what a person prefers, people continue to struggle to achieve the ideal image established by several factors. “Beauty” according to is “the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or profound satisfaction to the mind, whether resulting from sensory manifestations (such as shape, color, sound, etc.), a significant design or model or something else”, if so why don't people respect it? () “Beauty” is an intangible obsession that has yet to be properly explored. Is “beauty” really in the eye of the beholder?” Why do women feel the need to be "beautiful"? “Beauty” is a strong factor in women's lives, but they don't control it; nature, race, and society describe what “true beauty” is, and because of these things a large percentage of women are insecure. Nature has the strongest connection to the ideology of “beauty”. From a biological point of view, everything in nature is beautiful. Somehow, some types of human beings fail to meet that standard, according to other so-called higher human beings. Why is this the case when humans are a product of nature? It is taught that “beauty” is complex, but humans sometimes do not understand this idea. Children are taught to accept people, regardless of their outward appearance. However, when they reach adolescence, they become bullies and attack people based on their appearance. The contrast between nature and nurture contributes greatly to the insecurity that women feel. The family in which a woman grows up has a great influence on how she will see herself in the future. If she's subject to abuse because she's... middle of paper... doesn't have what celebrities have it's useless. Society's effect on people is so harmful that it will take time for things to change. Although “beauty” is a multi-faceted ideology, it should not be limited to outward appearance. Just like Whoopi Goldberg and Eleanor Roosevelt have “inner beauty,” the rest of the women in the world have the same thing. Why can't society accept the fact that "beauty" is not defined? Women will always have to face the challenges that nature, race and society pose to them. They are slowly regaining control. Even though they still have a long journey ahead, they are more than capable because it is a possible mission. Women are "smart enough to earn millions/strong enough to give birth to children/then go back to work", so they will surely be up to taking back the meaning of "beauty”.