Benefits of Black RadishWhat is it? Radish is a plant in the Brassica family, and although it is probably most used in salads and for seasoning in cooking, radish is also used as a powerful medicine in many cultures. Black radish is also known as Spanish radish, among other names. In Asia and India, radish was (and still is) used primarily as a medicine. Since black radish is rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants, it is used in a variety of Ayurvedic remedies and treatments. Black radish can be eaten, juiced, used as a topical application for skin and hair, and is now available in capsule form. Medicinal and Healing Uses of Black Radish Used for centuries in Europe and China primarily to stimulate digestive function, black radish is also widely used in India as a healthy liver cleansing tonic. Chinese doctors use black radish to improve lung health. Nutritional value An excellent source of vitamin C and also contains potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamins A, E and B. The leaves of the plant have a detoxifying effect. Kidney or gallstones...