Topic > Comparing and contrasting Hotel Rwanda and 1947…

Essentially, each nation was left to its own devices. One difference, however, was the way in which Belgium left power in the hands of the Tutsis. The Tutsis were the smallest ethnic group in Rwanda, the Hutus did not like being controlled by a smaller population because the Belgians preferred the physical characteristics of the Tutsis over those of the Hutus. The British left India so quickly that they had left everything to be decided by their own people, from independence to whether there would be a Pakistan (land of the pure). In early 1947, Earth, the film opens with a dinner party at the Sethnas who were Parsis, at this dinner there were two other couples, the Rogeres who were British and the Singhs who were Sikhs. At this dinner the tension between the two guests is very evident, the saying “you could cut the tension with a knife” was an understatement with the hushed comments and hidden insults shared between the two. The men disagreed over whether the English could survive without the English, let alone resolve their differences. Mr. Rogers was clearly doubtful that this independence could be managed by the Indian people without the consultation and assistance of the English. Mr Singh argued that the Indian people had lived in peace and harmony for hundreds of years before the British