Topic > Narrative Essay on Sleep - 1070

Most nights I do homework before I go to sleep and homework is very stressful and tends to make me overthink everything. When I'm stressed I don't sleep well and this sleep study confirmed it. Some nights I take Emergan-Zzzz, a sleeping pill that contains melatonin, which helps me relax and fall asleep, but it doesn't determine how well I end up sleeping. This is something that really surprised me during this sleep project. Melatonin helps me fall asleep, but it doesn't help me sleep better because I didn't wake up very rested most of the night I took it. The two things that made me sleep really well were reading and sex. It sounds a bit silly, but on day 5 I was reading and it seemed to relax me and allow me to fall asleep quickly and sleep very well. Then on the seventh day I had sex before bed and I believe this was a stress reliever and was physically demanding and this allowed me to sleep a lot