Written Synopsis: Write an overview/synopsis of the selected book in your own words. The Itchy Bear by Nick Bland is a great fiction book for children aged 5 to 6. With the final acceptance of the flea by the bear, it teaches children about scale, communication, miscommunication, overcoming misunderstandings, and friendship. Taking an almost factual "This is bear" approach, "This is flea" (Bland, 2013) adds a comforting predictability to the plot, perfect for younger children who are just getting used to picture books with a little more detailed plot . Using smoothly flowing syntax, readers are able to clearly define and recognize phoneme emphasis and determine the appropriate intonations needed to decode the correct semantics of the story. For a children's book, The Very Itchy Bear incorporates numerous parts of speech such as verbs, nouns, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, and onomatopoeias. While great visual cues, the book is very thought-provoking with excellent use of scale, color, space and sense of movement throughout the expressive illustrations. The clear rhyming text, repetition and humor make this book ideal for group storytelling as it encourages group participation. Image and reference for the book: Include an image of the book cover and the correct reference for the book. Insipidus, N. (2013). The Very Itchy Bear (2nd ed.). Lindfield, New South Wales: Scholastic Press. Justification for the choice of children's book with at least one academic reference to support the choice of book. Nick Bland's use of clear illustrations and rhyming text reveals the story of a very itchy bear who is bitten by a flea and his intent... in the center of the paper ......play the word by tapping the hands the correct number of syllables and the children stay where they are if they are correct or they move on their own to the correct number. The last person to say the correct number went out and I said another word, depending on maturity and ability the student who came out last could say a new word from a list of words.Re/min/dingBit/ingEv/ ery /whereO/ver/com/ingReferencesBland, N. (2013). The Very Itchy Bear (2nd ed.). Lindfield, New South Wales: Scholastic Press. Board of Studies New South Wales. (2013). Suggested texts for the K-10 English curriculum. Retrieved from Board of Studies: http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/assets/global/files/english-k10-suggested-texts.pdfFellowes, J., & Oakley, G. (2010). Language, literacy and early childhood education. South Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford University Press.