AbstractThe purpose of the study was to validate the implications of word of mouth in the Pakistani cultural context. This study replicates an earlier study by Charlett, D., Garland, R., and Marr, N. (1995) that tested the two hypotheses “that both positive and negative WOM will influence consumers' purchase likelihood and attitude in comparisons of a product" and "that negative WOM will have a stronger effect than positive WOM on consumers' purchase likelihood and attitude toward a product." The data was collected from a convenience sample of divided college students into three groups, two of which were exposed to positive and negative WOM respectively and the third was taken as a control group results of the data analysis supported both hypotheses, contrary to the results of the previous study for the second hypothesis A number of variables, including the small sample size and variations in realistic cultural contexts, however, impose limitations on the study that can be removed through future studies. Research supports the importance of WOM and the stronger effect of negative WOM in Pakistani cultural setup and highlights the value of WOM for any marketable product. Keywords: word of mouth, probability of purchase, customer satisfaction, attitude measurement.1. IntroductionLet us call it advice, suggestion, consultation or gossip and even trivia, the importance of opinion conveyed as word of mouth has never diminished since the history of human society. Whatever the promotional effort or how convincing the advertising message is devised, almost everything is discussed among people and gets a nod of approval and then the legitimacy to adopt or fades away like many other ideas in the pages of history. Therefore, it is natural that...... half of the article......ce Research [Online]. Available at: http://www.csulb.edu/web/journals/jecr/issues/20082/paper3.pdf (accessed October 25, 2008).[11] Trusov, M., Bucklin RE, Pauwels K., (in press) "Estimating the dynamic effects of online word-of-mouth on the growth of members of social networks on the Internet" [Online]. Available at: http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/koen.pauwels/Pauwels%20updates%202007/Estimating%20the%20Elasticity%20of%20WoM%20May%2012%202007.pdf (Accessed : October 25, 2008).[12] Yoh, T. (2005) "Information Sources for College Students' Purchasing of Athletic Shoes", Smart Online Journal, Spring 2005, pp. 28-34 [Online]. Available at: http://www.thesmartjournal.com/shoe%20purchasing.pdf (accessed October 25, 2008).[13] Word of Mouth Marketing Association (2008) WOMMA Practical Ethics Toolkit. Available at: http://www.womma.org/ethics/ (Accessed: 9 November 2008).