Heir to the ThroneJuan HillonApril 1, 2014Mr. TiceLanguage ArtsLO: Write an imaginative, self-created narrativeSLE: Write competently and think creativelyPart One"The heir to my throne will soon be born." King Charles argues with his trusted second-in-command Julian. "What do you think the Kingdom of Fortundale will be like when I'm gone?" asks the king. “Your Majesty, I certainly hope it will be as prosperous as it is now.” Julian replies, “I have other business to do now.” Carlo explains. "See you later." The King crosses the room to check on the Queen. But before he even enters the room, a feeling of impending doom hits him. He looks out the window apprehensively. Nothing seems to be wrong. He goes back to his business. Suddenly he hears screams coming from outside the castle. "The kingdom has been attacked!" he exclaims. He runs down the stairs as fast as he can. "Julian, while I lead the army, I need you to keep guard in the room the queen is in right now." Command. "We can't lose the heir to the throne!" King Cap...