Topic > A qualitative exploration of the spatial needs of…

With levels of homelessness rapidly increasing in the UK (Fitzpatrick et al., 2012), the need for a study analyzing the spatial needs of homeless people experiencing of drug abuse and are hosted in hostels/night shelters was essential. The task of the critical evaluation is to first summarize the research article A Qualitative Exploration of the Spatial Needs of Homeless Drug Users Living in Hostels and Night Shelters (2013), discuss the methodology presented throughout the text, and further examine whether it was appropriate for the 'subject. Towards the end, the research findings will be discussed and an evaluation of whether or not the article is beneficial to the real estate industry will be provided, along with any recommendations. The subject of the aforementioned journal article is an exploration of a subset -category of homeless people, namely homeless drug addicts. The correlation between homelessness and drug abuse and the vicious impact each issue has on the other is researched throughout the article, reinforcing the need to address them separately in order to reach an effective end result. After defining terms such as homelessness, drug use, and overnight shelter, he goes on to present a seven-category categorization of spatial needs that appear not to be entirely met by homeless shelter providers. Argues that, according to Fitzpatrick and LaGory (2000), every individual needs a sense of privacy, security, personal space, and reasonable human interaction to maintain a healthy life and follows to provide definitions for the concepts of privacy and personal space. After presenting the layout of the article, we proceed by discussing the methods applied for the analysis of the research and introducing...... half of the article ......Greg Guest, Emily E. Namey, Marilyn L. Mitchell (2013 ) Collecting Qualitative Data, A Field Manual for Applied Research, Sage PublicationsGiven, LM (2008) The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. Sage PublicationsMarkle, D.T., Richard E. West and Peter J. Rich, Markle, D. Thomas; West, Richard E. and Rich, Peter J. (2011). Beyond transcription: technology, change and method refinement [49 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: qualitative social research, 12(3), art. 21, Wholey, JS, Hatry HP, Newcomer KE (eds) (2004) Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation, 2nd edition. San Francisco: Jossey-BassPatton, M.K. (2002) Qualitative Research Methods and Evaluation, 3rd edition. Sage Publications.Maslow, A.H., A Theory of Human Motivation Psychological Review, 50(4), July 1943, pp. 370-396. doi: 10.1037/h0054346