Brigham Young once commented that when he had a tough job to do he tried to find a Tanner because they were always willing to help. My great-great-great-great grandfather is Sidney Tanner. He was born April 1, 1809, in Greenwich, New York. His parents are John and Lydia Tanner. He had fifteen brothers and seven sisters. He married Louisa Conley on March 1, 1830. Sidney and his family were baptized in 1832 after missionaries came to his father. Joseph Smith asked Sidney Tanner and his family to head West. They went to Kirtland, Ohio. Sidney and his father donated $2,000 for the temple. He loaned another $13,000. Sidney was one of the first in his family to move to Missouri. He left his family and worked 40 miles away for 2 1/2 months for $10 a month. People began to threaten them, so they had to move. On October 25, 1838, Sidney and his brother Nathan were in battle. In Nathan's diary he wrote about the battle. “Sidney Tanner, Jacob Gates, George Grant and I rode side by side with Captain Fear-Not, until his horse gave way and he gave us the order.” The battle was...