SUMMARY Young people represent one of the most profitable target markets for companies today. Companies are therefore analyzing the different factors that influence the brand choice and purchase intentions of this group. Young consumers might be influenced by their friends, family, brand price, advertising, store, brand quality and their attitude. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine the influence of these factors on brand choice by adolescents and young adults, considering the mobile phone sector. The study shows that of the seven factors considered, friends have the greatest influence on young people's brand choice when purchasing a mobile phone. Keywords: brand choice, adolescents, young adults SECTION-IINTRODUCTION Adolescents and young adults they are one of the most attractive and attractive market segments for companies today. It is one of the growing markets in the world today as teenagers and young adults engage more in consumer activities. This type of youth market encounters many brands while purchasing the products from which they have to make their choice. As we know that young people are often motivated by various factors, and due to the emergence of the youth market, research into influencing factors has become important. These factors influence their consumption patterns; This study is therefore designed to examine the different factors that influence the brand choice of adolescents and young adults aged 17 to 25 years when purchasing a mobile phone. The kids would then be divided into two age groups; adolescents aged 17 to 19 and young adults aged 20 to 25. Therefore, the study would also examine whether there is a significant d...... middle of paper .......(2008) . Impact of television advertising on the purchasing pattern of adolescent girls. Journal of Social Science, 16(1), 51-55.Roth, Martin S. (1992). Depth and breadth strategies for managing global brand image. Journal of Advertising, 21, 25-36.Sidin,S.,Rahman,K.,Rashid,A.,Othman,N., & Abu Bakar.Z.(2008). Effects of social variables on consumption attitudes and behavioral intentions of urban children. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25(1), 7–15. Spero, I., Stone, M. (2004). Agents of change: How young consumers are changing the world of marketing. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 7( 2),153-159.Wernerfelt, Birger (1990).Advertising content when brand choice is a signal. Journal of Business, 63 (1), 91-98.Xeu,F.(2008). The moderating effects of product involvement on situational brand choice. Consumer Marketing Journal, 25(2), 85–94.