Topic > Summary of Sexism in When She Woke - 1085

When Hannah was first released as Chrome, she was exposed to the reality of the society her parents protected her from. Being a chromo made her more susceptible to being raped or beaten because the police don't protect chromos. Two young boys approached Hannah and said, “Yeah, baby, with you in the middle and us on either side, we'd make ourselves a nice roast beef sandwich” (Jordan 150). Hannah was scared because she knew the police wouldn't do anything. Hannah was afraid because being a woman and a chrome man sees her as an easy target for sexual assault. Hannah was seen as an object and not a person by teenage boys and even by society. Hannah didn't really realize this until the end, when she said, "Hannah has been objectified by men ever since she was chrome-plated, treated like a thing to be used and disposed of" (Jordan 327). Hannah finally fully realized that men objectified women and especially chrome women. Based on her gender and appearance, men sought her out as an easy target. Men like the Fist believed in biological essentialism. After living in the world, Hannah saw how vulgar and sexist men like the Fist really were. Hannah turns into a feminist throughout the novel by being chromed and leaving her