The purpose of this document is to analyze and discuss the effectiveness of the supply chain of Target stores. Target was founded in 1902 by George Draper Dayton who, after working with the owner of the Goodfellow Dry Goods Company for a year, decided he wanted to be more involved, so he purchased Goodfellows and renamed it the Dayton Dry Goods Company. After purchasing the store, Mr. Dayton remained in operation until the time of his death in 1938. By this time the store had undergone many changes, including a name change in 1911, changing from Dayton Dry Goods Company to The Dayton Company, as well as an addition from the Dayton Foundation in 1918. After Mr. Dayton's death, the family continued to operate the company until 1983, when the last two Dayton executives retired, ending 80 years of management of the Dayton family (Target Corporation, 2014). TargetDal Supply Chain Overview The beginning of the Target store supply chain was based on the personal principles of the owner/founder, Mr. Dayton. These principles include being known as the retail chain that not only delivers its customers' trusted merchandise, but the retail chain that offers fair business practices and a generous spirit of giving (Target Corporation, 2014). From these principles the store later coined the slogan “Expect more, without paying. This slogan represents their ongoing commitment to giving and offering their guests value, quality and service, all in a fun and exciting environment (Target Corporation, 2014). Product and Service Specifications Like the competition, Target has made many changes over the years regarding their products and services. In order to meet the ever-changing environment and ever-changing customer needs, Target not only increased the... middle of the paper... which means that Target not only has an efficient supply chain, but also has an efficient demand chain and that both chains are well aligned with each other. Conclusion In conclusion, in this document we have read that Target's main goal is to provide its customers with quality products and services that not only meet their needs but also exceed those needs. Through research we not only learned that this goal was achieved, but that Target despite achieving this goal continued to do everything possible to continue to achieve this goal, again and again, exceeding it each time to not only achieve their expectations but to continuously satisfy customer needs. Always keeping them satisfied and keeping them coming back whenever they need it because they know Target will have what they need when it's needed.