Once upon a time there was a young boy named Steve who lived in the village of Tyek on the island of Hy Brasil. Now Tyek was a beautiful place, surrounded by rolling green hills and Victorian-era buildings. But they were constantly under attack from the Ender Dragons who raided their village every week and if the Tyek resisted the Ender Dragons would set things on fire forcing them to create new homes every time there was a raid. Whenever there was a raid, everyone tried to grab a weapon to fight the feared Ender Dragons, but it wasn't much use. But one day things changed when everyone was running in every direction trying to escape the Ender Dragon raid. The people were really tired of these raids, it seemed like they would never end but the city felt helpless. But Steve stood there, ready to fight. Like the town, Steve was fed up with the raids, even though he wasn't the best fighter he had more heart because despite whatever traits he acquired from his mother he still had his father's courage, ready to step in for the defenseless at any moment's notice. “Steve, come here!”, shouted Glek the blacksmith, motioning for him to run to his workshop. “Not this time, absolutely not!”, Steve replied. “Do what he says!”, Julianna, owner of the local bakery shouted from the open door. From every direction people were telling him to run for cover, from George the bartender to Amy the innkeeper. “No, this guy is going down,” Steve said as he ran towards the blacksmith shop. Glek thought he was running for cover, but what he was actually doing was taking a cannon he had built earlier in the week in full preparation for this day. Glek tried to hold on to Steve to stop him from shooting the dragon but it was no use....... middle of paper...... his father wouldn't let him enroll in dragon training school. How about I sign him up so I can be his teacher after class?" "Good. But you are responsible for him." "I understand, sir." Steve wasn't very good at dragon training school, in fact it was horrible, until one day Glek came and informed him that he would be his teacher. .“You're I'm joking,” Steve retorted, “you're not a warrior, you're a blacksmith.” “I wasn't always a blacksmith. Now take this sword.” Steve took the wooden sword and they spent day and night for a week in the art of swordplay. Most importantly, though, Glek had created a wooden dragon so he could teach him how to attack a dragon. On his first try Steve missed the dragon completely, falling on his face. "Oh, I'll never learn, admit it, I might as well be the joke of the town." Judge, jury, executioner