Hypercholesterolemia is the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance and is one of the main classes of lipids, so it enters the blood through lipoproteins [1]. A high level of lipoproteins is unhealthy. A high level can lead to a high risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease [2]. High levels of lipoproteins are often influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors such as obesity or dietary habits [2]. High cholesterol can be caused by mutations in the following genes: APOB, LDLR, LDLRAP1 and PCSK9 [3]. Mutations in the LDLR gene are responsible for familial hypercholesterolemia, which is the most commonly observed form of inherited high cholesterol [3]. The LDLR gene contains instructions for making LDL receptors or low-density lipoprotein receptors. LDL receptors play a critical role in regulating blood cholesterol levels by removing low-density lipoproteins from the bloodstream. Mutations in the LDLR gene can make the amount of LDL receptors produced lower than normal or affect their job of removing low-density lipoproteins from the blood [4]. People who have these mutations will have higher cholesterol levels. There are many ways that the environment can affect blood cholesterol levels. Reducing the amount of dietary fat consumed reduces the total amount of cholesterol in the blood [5]. Sucrose and fructose can increase the amount of LDL in the blood. However, reducing fatty foods will reduce the amount of LDL [5]. Having a healthy body and maintaining exercise plays a key role in keeping cholesterol at a healthy level. If you are overweight or obese you can lower your cholesterol levels simply by losing... middle of the paper... two altered copies of the LDLR gene, one from each parent. This results in a more severe and even fatal case of high cholesterol. In the LDLRAP1 gene it is an autosomal recessive pattern [10]. This means that an altered copy of the gene is passed down from each parent, but their cholesterol values are within the normal range [10]. Having high cholesterol is a serious problem but it can be treated and controlled with the right mindset. A healthy diet, exercise, and patience are all you need to live a comfortable lifestyle with hypercholesterolemia. If you know you have higher than average levels, don't wait to fix the problem because it will only make it worse. Additionally, you should treat high cholesterol as you would any other serious illness. Acting like it's no big deal is a huge mistake. This could lead to making your life shorter than it should have been.