There are currently more ways to communicate than ever before, however the effectiveness of recent communication methods is questionable. Communication has been demonstrated by humans throughout history and has evolved over time. Technology has had a particular impact and continues to influence the way communication between people operates. Recent technology products that facilitate communication include telephones or computers, both of which can access Internet service. Many people believe that due to the influence of technology on communication, communication has become more efficient, faster and more convenient. It has made global communication easier and more possible than ever. On the other hand, technology worries some people, especially older generations, as this level of technology is foreign to their knowledge (Best Buy Company Inc., Advertising Age, August 2, 2004, Vol.75(31), p. 20). They believe the world is becoming less social as face-to-face communication is ceasing. The more available methods of interacting with others during this decade may have improved or broken the art of communication. Humans are believed to communicate less effectively than in the past, particularly due to social networks. Social networks are the current form of communication for many people. “Facebook is uniting the world. It has become a common and all-encompassing cultural experience for people around the world, especially young people.” (The Facebook Effect p.15) Facebook makes communication between family and friends around the world easier through the use of a phone or computer. However, young people mostly use social networks as a way to have everyday conversations in an effective, efficient and useful way. Works Cited1. Obey. J 2012, 'Social Networking', It happened to me, n.32, pp. 93-992. Kirkpatrick. D 2010, 'The Facebook effect', The internal story of the company that connects the world, pp. 15, 163. Brown AK 2010, 'Virtual Danger', What's the Problem?, pp. 4, 8, 5-9, 23-26, 39-36, 404. Best Buy targets Hispanic patriarchs; The consumer electronics giant attracts an older generation intimidated by technology. (Best Buy Company Inc.,) Wentz, Laurel, Advertising Age, 2 August 2004, Vol.75(31), p.205. “Infographic: Indonesian Facebook users outnumber UK users,” viewed 2 April 2014,6. Delbridge A & Bernard JRL, 1998, The Macquarie Concise Dictionary, third revised and updated edition, K Weldon, Maccqure University, NSW, (reprinted 1999, 2000, 2001)