“Opinions on homework have changed back and forth over the last century, according to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics”(Homework Debate: Nothing New, Neverending). The push for homework came during the 1990s as the state saw growth in national standards. The turn of the century brought parental concern about too much stress on students. Teachers may assume that there can never be too much good: “The more work that is assigned, the more learning that takes place” (GreatSchools Staff - All Homeworked Out). While working outside of school can really help kids take responsibility for learning and retain information, having too much homework can stress kids out and take away from family, social and sleep time. The average routine of high school students would most likely include waking up early, going to school for 5-7 hours, usually participating in extracurricular activities after school and coming home late, eating dinner and doing homework until time to go to bed. But, many parents point out, excessive homework can leave little or no time to relax with the family, which is often limited for busy, two-income families. “There's nothing wrong with wanting your children to study hard, they argue, but it's important to remember that not all lessons come from book study” (All Homeworked Out). Beth Jokien, a Lima newspaper reported, interviewed Judy Hedges, a teacher at Lima Senior High, about the light homework load Hedges gives her grateful students. During this interview, Hedges said of her daughter, when she started middle school 18 years ago, she had to balance homework with athletics. "There were nights and it would be 9:30 and she was just finishing... halfway through a paper... work if they needed it, or spending time talking to friends and doing homework. After. Giving choice teaches kids how to manage their time. (Less is more when it comes to homework.) Homework also helps encourage kids to study independently and use outside resources like the library and the Internet The purpose of homework is to help review work done in class, which can help students retain new information better. (David Armani) “Although you can ask your teacher questions if you don't completely understand…. However, it is necessary to apply the information to learn the subject and transform it into knowledge” (Purpose of homework, Ron Kurtus). ' excessive, but it will make them what they will become.