American society is so used to receiving food immediately and in large quantities. Only in recent decades has intensive farming been born which has made the consumption of food an action that is not free from guilt. What was originally a hamburger made from slaughtered cow meat is now slaughtered cow meat filled with harmful chemicals. Not only that, the corn that that cow was fed is also full of chemicals to make them grow at a faster rate to get that hamburger on a plate as quickly as possible. Bryan Walsh, an editor at Time Magazine specializing in environmental issues, discusses in his article “America's Food Crisis” how our food is not only bad for us but also dangerous. The word dangerous, however, could apply to many different things. Our food is dangerous to consumers, workers and farmers, animals and the environment. Walsh provides examples of each of these in his article which leads back to the main point of how dangerous the food we consume every day really is. It goes into detail about each of them, but focuses its information on the consumer. Salmonella is a danger that has caused many effects to consumers. Walsh writes of an incident that occurred during an epidemic “of contaminated peanuts that killed at least eight people and sickened 600” (Walsh 167). This incident has led many people to ask the same question: How can we trust the food we put into our bodies? Salmonella, a type of food poisoning caused by bacteria found on different types of foods, has caused an epidemic due to its domino effect on food and our health. Once a factory is contaminated, that factory could house both crops and meat, which is then transferred to our supermarkets and onto our tables. ...... half of the paper ......n just eat just enough calories. If a chicken sandwich at McDonalds costs $1.00 with 400 calories, a head of romaine lettuce costs $3.49 and has less than 100 calories for one serving. Although there are many dangers in the world, the need to eat should not be considered something that is dangerous. Bryan Walsh discusses the dangers of consuming food in his article “America's Food Crisis,” which demonstrates how the food industry has changed dramatically in recent years. Factory farming has become America's new way of producing food, which is slowly putting the health of millions of people at risk. Works Cited Tietz, Jeff. “Boss Hog: The Dark Side of America's Top Pork Producer.” Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone, December 14, 2006. Web.Walsh, Bryan. “The American food crisis”. LINK. Eds. Kim and Michael Flachmann. Boston: Pearson, 2012. 166 – 173. Print.