The most common purpose of (BI) systems is to aid in decision making. BI systems collect data, store the collected information in data warehouses, analyze the data, and then present the data in easy-to-understand applications for decision making. The following studies research the role BI systems play in decision making. Overview of the role of BI in decision making. Isik, Jones, and Sidorova (2013) conducted a study that explored the following research questions: “(1) What is the relationship between various BI capabilities and BI success? and (2) What is the influence of the decision-making environment on the relationship between BI capabilities and BI success?” (p. 13, para. 4). The research model used explored the relationships between BI success , BI technological capabilities (data quality, integration with other systems, user access), BI organizational capabilities (flexibility, risk management support), and decision environment (types of decisions, information processing needs) ( Isik et al., 2013, p. 17).Methodology. Study completed by Isik et al. (2013) began with a four-part survey that included participant demographic information, BI success measures, and measurements of decision-making environments. The survey was analyzed by academic experts and adapted based on their suggestions. A pilot study was then conducted using 24 BI professionals and the results suggested that the survey did not require further modification. The final survey was sent to over 3,000 managers who used BI systems in their businesses. Of these surveys, only 92 were returned and usable for data collection. Data from the pilot study and final survey were combined to provide… half of the paper… 2(6), 608-612. Retrieved from doi: 10.7763 or, D., Nelakanti, T., & Rahman, N. (2012). Practical implications of real-time business intelligence. CIT Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 20(4), 257-263. Retrieved from, M. (2013). Keys to sustainable self-service business intelligence. Journal of Business Intelligence, 18(1), 18-24. Retrieved from, S. (2011, July). 5 Barriers to BI Success and How to Overcome Them. Strategic Finance, 93(1), 27-33. Retrieved from